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The Waterwise Business Program supports large commercial and industrial businesses in WA to save water through improved water efficiency, water recycling and new technology.

Since 2007, the Program has helped WA businesses save over 148 billion litres of water, the same as 658 Olympic swimming pools. 

The State Government introduced it as part of a range of permanent water efficiency measures across the community. All businesses that use over 20,000 kilolitres of water per year are required to participate in the program.

WA businesses can access free training sessions, events, and data loggers to assist with leak detection. There’s also the opportunity for businesses to be recognised for their water savings through the annual waterwise business recognition program.

Key achievements
  • Since its inception, the Program has helped businesses save over 135 billion litres of water
  • We are working with 269 businesses to help them reduce water use
  • Businesses graduate from the program when their water consumption goes under the 20,000kL threshold
  • Participants have gained a greater understanding of how water is used at their workplace which not only saves water but also helps reduce water and wastewater service charges and promotes businesses as a sustainable place to work.

Key drivers

Climate change in Western Australia and an increase in water demand due to population growth present significant challenges in how we sustainably manage and use our water resources. The Waterwise Program responds to these challenges through the following objectives. 

  • Collaboration
  • Sustainable water management
  • Liveable communities
  • Leadership
  • Education

What is a waterwise business?

To be waterwise, businesses in WA consuming more than 20,000 kilolitres per year are required to develop a Water Efficiency Management Plan (WEMP) detailing where water is used, set targets to reduce water use, and create an action plan to achieve those targets. Businesses are also required to provide us with annual progress reports on whether they have met targets.

Waterwise businesses we are working with include airports, aged care facilities, aquatic and leisure centres, caravan parks, councils, hotels, mining, manufacturing, offices, retail shopping centres, and tourist attractions including Perth Zoo.

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Key initiatives for a waterwise business include:

  • Establishing a benchmark for water use and setting targets to reduce water use.
  • Proactive leak detection
  • Regular monitoring of water use and tracking against targets
  • Proactive maintenance of water using fixtures and equipment
  • Utilising best practice water efficient technology
  • Redesigned irrigation systems
  • Recycled water use
  • Staff and community education

Waterwise business benefits

Being waterwise in your business has many benefits, including:

  • A better understanding of how your business uses water and where water savings can be made
  • Financial savings by improving efficiency (reduced water use and energy costs)
  • Identifying leaks as soon as they occur avoids water losses and unexpected big bills
  • Recognition as an industry leader in water use efficiency and conservation
  • Improved sustainability ratings


The Program acknowledges waterwise businesses for their ongoing commitment to water efficiency and achieving significant water use improvements. There are two levels of recognition:

  • Platinum waterwise business of the year â€“ an annual recognition of one business as a leader in water efficiency, demonstrating best practices and innovation in water management.
  • Gold waterwise businesses - businesses that demonstrate an outstanding commitment to the program by implementing key water management actions and reduced water consumption.

You can learn more about the recognition event, the benefits and eligibility. 

See recognised businesses

How can I become a waterwise business?

While the Waterwise Business Program is designed for businesses that use over 20,000 kilolitres of water use per year, you can always become waterwise. We have online waterwise training available to learn how to do a water audit of your site.

You can also download a Business Water Management Plan to help you achieve your water saving goals.

If you need to monitor your water use you can apply for a data logger to assist you with understanding how your business uses water. A data logger can also help identify leaks and understand where your business can save water.

Download Water Management Plan

Inspiration from businesses

Here are some great examples that show how Waterwise Businesses are saving water and applying water efficiency practices that you can also implement.

St Ives Gold mine image

St Ives Gold Mining Co

Discover how St Ives reduced their reliance on scheme water to ensure an ongoing supply of sustainable water for the life of the mine.

Read case study
RAAFA Merriwa Estate

RAAFA Merriwa Estate

Retirement village RAAFA Merriwa Estate has had a long-term commitment to efficient water management and innovative technologies.

Image of the Belmont Forum entrance

Belmont Forum

Belmont Forum has created a model assisting tenants to reduce their water and energy use, resulting in lower costs and improved water efficiency.

Read case study

Want to join the program?

This program is available for businesses using over 20,000 kilolitres or more water annually. If you use less than 20,000kL, we have benchmarking information to compare your water use to other businesses and waterwise advice to help you improve your water efficiency.

Compare my water use